
Books, Books are honey and like honeybees are attracted to honey, I am attracted to books... Hehehe, my new coinage for that is BOOKBEE, you know like honeybee... Book is like oxygen for me, you can live without anything but oxygen. Exactly the case with me, the relationships which are a part of my life are truly just a part, but books are my life.. I want a big house where there will be books and books everywhere. There are particular things which show that you are a true bookbee.. When mom gives you your pocket money, and the first thing you do is calculate the money to buy books, then you are a true bookbee.. Being a girl, rather than spending money on eyeliner and kajal, when your priority list starts from books, then you are a true bookbee.. When your friends are talking about alcohol, and you think, " okay, in 750 rs I will buy 4 books than buying alcohol. " then you are a true bookbee.. When there are exhibitions and book fairs, you go and...